Sensual Massage Therapists Friday working hours
TherapistSuburbFri openFri CloseContact
Masseuse Mika Kenilworth 09:00 21:00 0786938953
Tee Southern suburbs 09:00 19:00 0681115276
Jordan Mitchells Plain 09:00 17:30 0621090534
Karmen Cape Town By appointment By appointment 0788530341
Kronica Bothasig 09:00 18:00 0743249385
Summer Kenilworth 09:00 19:00 0825455255
Leigh Flamingo Vlei By appointment By appointment 0786181292
Chandre Southern suburbs 09:00 19:00 0835034217
Mia Kenilworth 08:00 22:00 0747303692
Talent Massage Durbanville 08:30 19:00 0603955498
Leela Somerset West 09:00 20:00 0636327656
Kinky Parow 10:00 22:00 0602585375
Pearl Boston 09:00 18:00 0737885157
Kelly Rondebosch East 09:00 20:30 0710445099
Ginger Gardens By appointment By appointment 0633501528
Skyler Somerset West 09:00 18:00 0780472455
Stacey Southern suburbs 08:00 20:00 0817890895

Every sexy massage therapist provides a unique range of massage services. Locate your massage therapist using our Google map link to estimate travel duration and approximate location.

The independent massage providers are available by appointment directly on the number provided and work from private apartments or professional massage studios in Cape Town.
