Aromatherapy massage | Cape Town

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Massage therapists for aromatherapy massage in Cape Town
TherapistSuburbSun openSun CloseContact
Leigh Flamingo Vlei Closed Closed 0786181292
Summer Kenilworth 09:00 19:00 0825455255
Leela Somerset West Closed Closed 0636327656
Masseuse Mika Kenilworth 10:00 18:00 0786938953
Kelly Rondebosch East By appointment By appointment 0710445099
Kinky Parow 10:00 22:00 0602585375

Aromatherapy uses natural plant oils to promote healing and enhance psychological & physical well being. The essential oils can inhaled or applied to directly to the skin. A mixture of oils will create an accumulative benefit when mixed correctly. Aromatherapy has been known to assist with stress relief, able to boost memory, speed up healing, reduce the frequency of headaches, and boost both the immune and digestive systems of the body.
